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Gary, In Person
(taped before a live studio audience...) |
last updated 07/24/2004 |
Ok, so I guess you wanna know some more about me. If you buy me a cup of coffee, I can tell you in person and you can just skip this page. Or, if you buy me a Bud Light, I might tell you some things you won't read here. And if you're really hot stuff, I may just tell you what YOU wanna hear. LOL! You can find out
more about me by visiting one of my other pages
(like my bio), or by checking the other
links back at my place.
Here goes.... I'm a 41-year old gay white male. I've lived in San Francisco, California since April 2000. I moved here from Kansas City, Missouri after 13 LONG years there. Before that, I was in the U.S. Army for 4 years, living in Germany for most of my enlistment. I currently work as a mainframe (COBOL) programmer for a fairly decent company (I've survived through several rounds of layoffs, and I've been anticipating my own pink slip every day for the past year). I live in the Castro district of the City. I love my neighborhood. I know lots of my neighbors and local shopkeepers. As with the rest of this City, lots of great looking men around, too! Woof! I've been with my partner, Steve, since December 2001. We both share May 30th as our birthday. We have an open relationship, and that works great for us. We enjoy playing Scrabble, attending theatre, square dancing, and socializing with the bears. I entered one sash queen contest in my life and won: "Mr. Lone Star 2003." The only responsibilities include hosting a couple of beer busts, although I do my part for the bar, one beer at a time.... I posed for American Bear magazine during IBR 2002. A pic of me at Alcatraz was put on the cover, and additional shower/tub photos are in the June/July 2002 issue #49. (pics/info) At the end of 2002, I started taking square dance lessons at Western Star Dancers, one of the gay clubs in town. I didn't realize that I would love it so much. I've worked my way through Basic/Mainstream/Plus/Advanced 1(A1)/A2/Challenge 1 (C1), and I recently finished C2. Actually, I graduated from my A2, C1, and C2 class all on the same day. I still needs lots of C2 floortime, but I anticipate taking a C3A class starting in autumn 2004. I LOVE square dancing, especially GAY square dancing. I'll have to add another page to talk about that. Over the past year, it has become my number one PASSION. To find a gay square club near you, go to the IAGSDC (International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs) for more information. Some places you'll regularly find me.....
Please check out the below pages to see my other warped interests:
All graphics & text © Gary Young